garden room design

A Guide to Choosing a Garden Room Designer

Garden rooms are being installed in outside spaces throughout the UK and beyond.

As demand grows, so does the number of companies who can help bring your vision of the perfect garden building to life.

But, with so many companies available who can help to design your garden room, how can you be sure to pick the right one for you?

Well, here is a guide from InFrame on how to just do that.

Let’s take a look.

The Importance of Picking the Perfect Design Team

Choosing the right company for you is vital.

What you are looking for is someone who can bring your vision to life, so you must find a team that aren’t just flexible enough to listen to your ideas but are also knowledgeable and skilled enough to create it.

Garden rooms on average cost numbers that reach five figures, especially for high quality ones, so the last thing you want is to pick a team that create a product that isn’t exactly right for your purposes and style.

The right garden room designer will listen to your desires and create a plan that they know is realistic in terms of budget and timescale and that they know they can build.

So, if you’re reading this and starting to get worried that you may make the wrong choice, then don’t fear, as our team at InFrame have created a handy guide to make sure you always pick the perfect designers for you.

garden gym

7 Tips on Picking Your Garden Room Designer (and Why InFrame Might be the One for You)

Learn About the Experience

The first thing you want to see is that the team you are assessing has done plenty of jobs similar to yours before.

Look at previous jobs to see what standard the work is that they produced, and also try and spot similar styles and designs to what you are hoping for with your project.

If you’re looking for a modern office pod for example, finding a garden room designer who is an expert in just this type of building.

If you’re looking for an annex, not every designer will be able to successfully build this, but if you see one that does (check out this project by InFrame for example) then this is a good sign they can bring your project to life.

Read Plenty of Reviews

Reviews are key to learning what customers think of a business.

Reviews don’t just give an insight into the standard of work that a company can produce, but also delve into how the company communicates with customers and handles issues, for example.

If you see a company that has constant great reviews, and plenty of them over many years of operation, this is a great sign that they are reputable and professional.

Take a look not just on the company website, but also do some digging into other sites dedicated to reviews and also the social media of a business.

Keep an eye out for things that may affect your project. For example, if you are on a short time-scale, and many reviews mention long delays, maybe this isn’t the company for you.

What Are the Selling Points?

Are there any unique selling points that a garden room designer can offer you that others can’t.

For example, here at InFrame, we produce steel framed garden rooms that are only ever of the highest quality. Everything from the insulation to the flooring has been chosen to product maximum benefits for the user, and with our bespoke design team on hand to create a unique garden room just for you, there’s plenty of reasons to choose us.

It is worth looking into a potential list of companies and asking why you should pick one over the others.

Many companies may provide a standard building, but there are many who can provide something different, and these are the ones that may be able to surprise you throughout the process and with the final product.

garden room with bifold doors

Do They Fit the Budget and Timeline?

Two things that are very important in any project are money and time.

Run out of either and you’re in trouble.

Everything from the materials used to the labour costs of the workforce can quickly add up, so make sure you let your chosen designer know your figures before making a choice.

If a design team doesn’t have the time to get your room installed before you need it, then this may cause conflict down the line.

Also, if the room you want is way above your budget, it may be worth looking for a team who can provide it at a lower price (or increasing your budget).

Your budget and timeline are important so don’t feel pressured to go above them and find a time that are comfortable working within them.

Can you Customise?

As the garden room design process begins, you will go through lots of different stages as your building is bought to life.

What you need is a team who are flexible and willing to customise the building to your wants and desires.

Everything from the roof to the size and shape of your garden room can be customised to fit the vision in your head if you choose the right designer (such as InFrame who offer various levels of customisation).

If you have an odd shaped garden, or want something unique that is truly one of a kind, then choosing a designer who can only provide a standard building won’t work, and this is when it will pay off to work with a designer who is happy to change things and work with you to create something truly special.

Do they Communicate Well?

Communication is key if you want the project to run smoothly and the final product to be just as you desired.

During the initial consultation process, evaluate how easy it is to get in touch with your chosen designer and how responsive they are to your ideas.

If they aren’t responsive in the early stages, there is a high chance this will continue throughout the project.

You need to find a company that are clear about the plan, the timescale, the budget, and every other aspect of your project and that there are no hidden surprises that weren’t mentioned.

Building the perfect garden room for you should be a partnership so make sure you feel comfortable providing ideas and communicating with your chosen team, as this will make a big difference further down the line.

Can You See the Work for Yourself?

Case studies are great for getting an idea of the work that a company can do, but there is nothing like seeing it with your own eyes.

If you can see the type of work a company can do, such as visiting a showroom (if you’re in or around Hampton, why not get in touch and book a time to pop over to the InFrame showroom to check out one of our garden buildings) then this is a big help in knowing exactly what kind of garden room you will be left with.

It is also important that you get to be a part of the design process, and if you can get a visualisation of the final product before it is made (InFrame can provide this due to innovative 3D software) then this can also provide peace of mind that the building you are going to receive is just as you want.

Hampton Richmond Pool House

Garden Room Design with InFrame

If you’re looking for a garden room design team who can build you a high-quality, bespoke, personalised, garden building, then why not choose InFrame.

We will work with you to bring your vision to life and create the perfect garden sanctuary for you.

Want to know more?

Then get in touch today.

A range of Pre-designed rooms & Bespoke Solutions

  • Our tried and tested InFrame range comes in a range of shapes and sizes
  • Wide portfolio of Offices, Gyms, Cinemas, Games Rooms and Bars
  • A large portion of our work is fully bespoke projects – anything is possible