garden office

How to Create a Stylish and Functional Garden Office Pod

There are many benefits to having a garden office pod in your garden. 

They minimise your daily commute, provide a quiet and peaceful place to work, and can be customised to suit your own needs.  

But when you take the plunge and decide to have a garden office installed, how can you make sure it is just right for you? 

Well, here are seven tips on designing a garden office pod that will make sure you’re always feeling inspired, comfortable, and productive when inside. 

Let’s take a look. 

amersham garden office

7 Steps When Designing a Garden Office Pod

Here are the seven steps you need to take when designing your garden room, starting at the beginning. 

1. Determine Your Needs

What do you need from your office space? 

Think about what your job requires and what you would find useful in a workspace. 

Would you like some space for added extras, such as a space to workout, or will something small and compact do for you? 

This is the first step and you may still be in the enquiry stage of your process of installing a garden office, so it’s always a good idea to jot down a list of features you desire. 

Everything from bifold doors to a bar can be incorporated into a garden office, so by getting your priorities in order nice and early, you will have a clear vision that you can work on with a garden designer to help build the ideal garden office for you. 

2. Choose Your Location Wisely

Locating where abouts your garden office will go in your garden is a big decision. 

Firstly, will you need the actual space to put it somewhere, so work out where you could fit one and what size you could stretch to.  

Once you have some locations in mind, think about things such as the position of the sun and how this may affect the natural light that enters the office pod.  

If an area is prone to high winds or flooding, then it may be best to place your building somewhere else. 

And finally, there is planning permission and building regulations to consider if your structure is the right size and is near to a boundary, so this must be thought about as well. 

3. Plan Your Layout

Once you have your location, and you have an idea of what you would like inside your garden office, it’s time to decide on the layout. 

This includes more than just how the inside will look, but also includes where you would like windows and doors to be.  

You have to take into account where your desk will be, thinking again of elements such as natural light.  

Consider the size and shape of your building and where it is placed in your garden. You may now be able to have a clear vision of how your completed garden office pod will look, so try and work out how you will place your furniture and decorations and work with your designer to bring your vision to life. 

garden room

4. Let Nature In

One of the great benefits of a garden office pod is that you often feel like you are outside enjoying the nature of your garden. 

While on the colder months of the year it’s important to be able to close yourself away from the elements, for the remaining months it is always a good idea to let some nature in. 

This means natural light, which can illuminate a room through widows and doors, and also fresh air, which is vital in a workspace. 

Having windows and doors that can open wide and freshen up a garden office can make it feel much more comfortable, so make sure you have plenty of these features in your workspace to really feel the benefit of working in your outside space. 

5. Pick the Best Materials

The time is now to really start planning the construction of your garden room. 

One of the key things to consider are the materials that are being used. This includes: 

  • Walls and Floors – these should be done to a high finish and made sure that they are weatherproof and installed properly to ensure a long-lasting office pod. 
  • Insulationinsulation is key to providing a comfortable garden room all year round and will help to regulate the temperature no matter if it is warm or cold outside. 
  • Windows and Doors – these should be double glazed to help with insulation and expertly insured to make sure they don’t suffer from condensation or leaks. 

There are many other materials and elements that go into constructing a garden office pod, so it’s always good to speak with your chosen company and hear about what they can provide to help your garden office be comfortable and durable. 

6. Invest in High Quality Furniture

Once the frame of your garden room is being built, it is time to think of how you will fill it. 

This is an important step, and you must get furniture that is comfortable and that provides enough space to leave you feeling like you aren’t too clustered. 

The right furniture can improve productivity and wellbeing, as well as being many physical benefits, so don’t be afraid to splash the cash and really get something that is made to last and leaves you feeling great. 

Another important element of office furniture to consider is storage. If you are dealing with plenty of files or other items then you need somewhere to keep them safe without leaving the office feeling untidy, and a good storage system can help to provide this. 

7. Add Personal Touches

The final step is to add personal touches that will make the workspace feel special to you. 

Things like motivational posters and artwork, plants, and other decorative items such as flowers can really make your garden office pod feel like home. 

Think about the colours you would like in the room, and if you would like some extras such as a television, a radio, a fridge, some exercise equipment, or more. 

As this is an office unique and personal to you, you really have free reign to design the interior how you would like, so get an image of the perfect garden office in your mind and, with the help of a design and construction team such as InFrame, bring it to life. 

garden office pod

Garden Office Pods from InFrame Garden Rooms

If you want to start the process of installing a garden office pod in your outside space, then why not get in touch with InFrame

Our expert team can help to design, construct, and install high quality garden offices throughout London, Greater London, and the many surrounding commuter towns, so if you’re based in these location then we can help improve your working life today.

A range of Pre-designed rooms & Bespoke Solutions

  • Our tried and tested InFrame range comes in a range of shapes and sizes
  • Wide portfolio of Offices, Gyms, Cinemas, Games Rooms and Bars
  • A large portion of our work is fully bespoke projects – anything is possible